Expect a friendly community who cares for you and wants to help you build your relationship with God!
What should I wear?
Come as you are, there is no dress code. Most dress casual so feel free to come as you feel comfortable.
Do I need to bring a Bible to the service?
You don’t need to but you can if you would like to. We project the message outline and Bible verses on a large screen to make it easy to follow along. For those who like to take notes there is space on the back of the Welcome Card to write down your thoughts and personal reflections.
What will I experience in the service?
We have found that a multi-generational approach to our Sunday gathering to be an incredible blessing to our church family! So our Sundays are very interactive and include creative games and activities designed to deepen the message and bring together all ages in our church family. Whether you are an individual, a couple, or a family with kids, if you are looking for a place to share life with others, we believe you will find that pretty quickly at NC!
Do I have to participate in a financial offering?
Nope, we don’t pass an offering plate during the service and we do not expect guests to contribute financially. There is a Giving Box in the back of the room for those who call Neighborhood Church their faith community to place offerings as a way of giving back to God for all He provides. Many people who support Neighborhood Church send their checks through the mail or give electronically through our Online Giving system (see the Giving Page of the website for more information).